Saturday my dad and two sisters came to visit. Luckily that was the same day Nathan and his SAE buddies were taking the mini baja out for a test drive. The goal was to break as many things as possible and find all the weak spots on the car. We all had such a fun time trying to wreck the car... well until Hana decided to actually wreck it. Hana took it off a pretty steep cliff and when she landed the front left axle (i think) broke and that was the end of the joy rides.
I think the best part was how much fun (see picture above) my old dad had driving it. He was better than a little kid in a candy store. What a great way to spend the weekend with my family.
So that's what Nathan was building? It looks really cool ... I'm sure a ton of hours went into it! I'm so glad you had family up and had a good time!