Thursday, January 24, 2013

Brotherly Love

Caleb loves Ethan, sometimes a little too much. Caleb tries to pick him up so they can read books together but Ethan is just a little heavy for him so they both end up laying on the floor. They both love it though and Ethan just adores Caleb which is a sweet reminder that Ethan was just what this little family needed. We couldn't be happier.

Friday, January 18, 2013

4 months

I can't believe this sweet boy is 4 months old!  Poor Ethan has been so sick the past few days. He has been constantly vomiting, coughing, and so uncomfortable but even with all that he has been unbelievably happy and smiley. I don't know how we got so lucky because he is such a great baby.

- weighs 12 lbs 8 oz
- sleeps 5-7 hours at night
- drinks 4-6 ounces with a teaspoon of oatmeal cereal
- rolled over a few times but isn't consistent yet
- loves watching Caleb
- loves sitting in the bumbo chair
- is almost always smiling and happy
- still loves his pacifier
- will let anyone hold him
- is always cooing and smiling when people talk to him
- is starting to put everything in his mouth
- loves to be wrapped up tight in a blanket when going to sleep
- is still wearing 3 month clothing

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ethan has acquired a nickname while we were in Oklahoma... but I am still on the fence about it. Can you guess what it is???

Friday, January 11, 2013


While we were "home" in Oklahoma for Christmas we made a little detour/stop in Missouri to visit Nathans grandparents. They live about 4 hours from my house so we took a two day tip up there to introduce them to our two children. We had a really great time seeing them, although it was a little difficult to keep Caleb under control in a house filled with stuff. There were so many things to touch and play with that he had a really hard time. They were great hosts though and we spent most of the day going out to eat and then rock climbing and playing at the small movie theater Nathans Aunt and Uncle own.

 While we were there Caleb had his first encounter with SNOW! There wasn't  much, but it was enough for him to decide he didn't like it. At first he was excited and put his hands in it but after he realized how cold it was he just cried and wanted nothing to do with it or going outside. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

18 Months

It's hard to believe but our "baby Caleb" is no longer a baby. He is 18 months old. He has so much energy and is often a handful but we are loving it because he is so much fun. 

-has learned how to climb out of his crib, so is now transitioning to a toddler bed
- weighs 25 lbs
-can open some doors
-can say: Moma, Dad, Heidi, No, Baby, stop, don't, please,vroom vroom, more
-although he can't say much he loves to talk and is always telling us stuff, we just can't understand
-loves to be outside
-wants to go wherever we are going
-cries when he hears the door close
- loves cats and dogs
-laughs when others are laughing
-loves cars
-loves the church nursery
 -will spend hours in the sandbox
-eats: Bananas, oranges, mac and cheese, eggs, cheese, cookies, crackers, and any kind of pasta
-not a fan of meat
-folds his arms when we pray and tries to pray
-likes to sing and dance

Christmas Festivities...

Here is a quick list (in no particular order) of some of the Christmas traditions and celebrations we participated in this year.

We attended the FHR Christmas party, mostly because they give out the best gifts,

 we walked around Candy Cane Lane with some friends,
Caleb opened all his presents a few weeks before Christmas,
 we walked around Rhema, they have an amazing light display,

 we opened stockings Christmas morning to see what Santa brought us,
 we opened presents to see what our loved ones gave us, and they were very generous this year,
 we took pictures in our matching Christmas jammies,

 we decorated a gingerbread house,
 Caleb got his very own Little People Nativity,
 we picked out ornaments for the year and decorated a tree, Caleb and Ethan both got little bears with their initials on them.

We also spent an afternoon at the ark assessment center for abused and neglected children passing out gifts and bringing good cheer, drove to Oklahoma and Missouri to visit loved ones, picked out a few angel tree names, read Christmas stories, and finally we enjoyed spending time together as a family.