Monday, November 16, 2009

What I am thankful For!

Since it is close to Thanksgiving i wanted to post 10 things i am ThAnKfUl for!
please make note these are in no particular order....
1. My wonderful and AMAZING husband
2. My cozy new apartment
3. My awesome job (you have to know i have the best job on campus! The people i work for are hilarious and we always have food... it's great!)
4. My warm North Face coat that keeps me dry in the snow and neg. weather
5. My family
6. All of our friends here in Rexburg that let us come to there house and eat good food... and the friends that let us turn their "Man Rooms" into "Craft Rooms"
7. My Kitchen Aid... how i ever lived without it i do not know
8. The internet
9. The gospel and our wonderful New/Old ward
10. And lastly CHRISTMAS! I love everything about Christmas... i would celebrate all year around if people would let me!


  1. What is your new address? I need to send you that Christamas ornament I have tried to give you about 50 times

  2. 253 West 5th South #9
    Rexburg Idaho 83440
