Monday, May 6, 2013

last week

Here are some pictures from my phone of this past week.
Ethan is all ready for church!

Nathan and I have been running a lot lately but with Nathan's school schedule one of the only times we can go is around 8 or 9 at night. Luckily our kids fall asleep as soon as we put them in the stroller and then as soon as we get home we put them straight to bed. It has made bedtime REALLY easy.

The weather this past week was really great so we spent a lot of time at the park. Ethan loves to just sit in the swing and watch.
Our little man upgraded to a big kid car seat. He is still rear facing but this one sits up more and he is so happy.
We are on the verge of having a crawler.
The young women did a service project for the ward (church) this past weekend where they offered to babysit children for free so parents could go out. It was a great night and a good experience for the girls. Both Ethan and Caleb loved having so many little kids around.

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